Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My First Background

So this is the first background I have completed, for my final project. I have to say, I am really happy with how it turned out, and surprised at how much fun I have had making it. I know it isn't PROFESSIONAL grade or anything, but I like the style, and really enjoyed using flash. The program doesn't have as extensive brush options as photoshop, which kind of sucks, but I really like the standard brush effect as it is. And I could always import it into photoshop, but I think if I do I will be opening a whole can of worms I don't really feel like getting into.

The canvas I was working with in Flash was much smaller than the exported image. I think it was in the 800's with a dpi of 72. When I exported, I chose 1280/720, 113 dpi. That explains the edges being SO rough. Not sure though. I'm excited by the fact that I have more space to work with. I felt like the image was really cramped as it was, so opening it up would allow the visuals to breath. On the other hand, I really like the affect it has. First of all, the image really pops. It's like a story book where the picture is jumping off the page. Also, it references the fact that this isn't the real world, and leads to an intriguing visual style.... Not sure what to do. Any suggestions, please leave a comment.

At any rate, I think it turned out really well, and I can't wait to get started on the next one!

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